from NYC artist Liam Alexander
Angela Sun was one of the initial inspirations for this entire project! How I met this accomplished investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker is an interesting story. Something I do regularly is fall asleep while watching Netflix. One evening I put on a film called “Plastic Paradise”. Instead of putting me to sleep the movie changed my life, changed the way I thought about my use of plastic, and inspired(in Part) this exhibit! So, naturally, I had to fly to LA and meet the amazing woman who made the film! We spent the day riding swings and talking about the environment, Hollywood, and how difficult it is to stand up for your cause in a world that doesn’t want to talk about these things.
Now I want you to meet Angela too!
Every single piece of plastic that has ever been created since the 19th century is still somewhere on our planet. As the Director and Producer of “Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” Angela sought to answer the question, “So, if it never goes away, where does it go?” Her goal is to educate and create awareness of what our massive plastic consumption does not only g woman who made the film! We spent the day riding swings and talking about the environment, Hollywood, and how difficult it is to stand up for your cause in a world that doesn’t want to talk about these things.
You can see more about Angela’s work here:
Work in progress and detail of of “Angela” Photographic Based Collage, 2015
One way to help Angelas’ cause, is to purchase a poster, you can do that here. 50% of the profits will go directly to funding a NYC School district Film tour of Plastic Paradise!